The skin is the largest organ in the body. Therefore, we can easily absorb chemicals and toxins by applying personal products to our skin. It is beneficial to use natural body products to keep us safe and prevent these possible additional body toxins. According to The Environmental Working Group ( - also a great reference for good products to use), one-third of all personal care products contain one or more ingredients reported by the government as toxic substances. Yet we have mostly always viewed these brand name products as safe and effective for our bodies. This same group also reported that only approximately 11% of the 10,5000 ingredients you find in personal care products have been evaluated for safety by the CIR and or FDA. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require companies to test any personal care products for safety. That makes me nervous- how about you?
You can easily look at the ingredients listed on your powders, lotions or personal body products and find that many of the ingredients are linked to cancer in animals and/or humans. These products contain carcinogens, can accumulate with prolonged use in the organs, can cause Asthma or are neurotoxins that can damage to the central nervous system. Talc is linked to cancer and readily forms carcinogen nitrosamines when mixed with other ingredients. Lanolin and Propylene Glycol (in most lotions) possess all of the aforementioned characteristics and we use most of these products on a daily basis. If I had a reference years ago to know where to find personal products that were less toxic for my body, I would have been very grateful. I have come to understand that unless you can eat your personal body products, you probably don’t want to apply them to your skin. The following are common toxic ingredients found on some of the most widely used personal products on the market today:
· SLS/SLES; Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate, 1,4 Dioxane. In over 90% of cosmetic and personal care products. This is a harsh synthetic detergent, emulsifier and foaming agent used in car washes, engine and garage floor cleaners. Causes hair loss, canker sores and skin rashes. Breaks down the skin’s moisture barrier allowing other chemicals to easily penetrate. Combined with other chemicals, SLS becomes a nitrosamine (carcinogen). Can be disguised on a product bottle as a coconut or coconut derived product.
· DEA; Diethanolamine, Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, DEA-Cetyl Phosphate, DEA- Oleth-3 Phosphate, Lauramide DEA, monoethanolamine MEA, Myristamide DEA, Oleamide DEA, Stearamide MEA, TEA- Lauryl Sulfate, Triethanolamine: Used as emulsifiers and foaming agents. Repeated use and absorbtion into skin can cause a major increase of liver and kidney cancers as found in mice and rats. It can also accumulate in the brain and produce toxic effects.
· Phthalates, DEP- Diethyl Phthalate (MEP- derived from DEP): used as plasticizing ingredients which have been linked to birth defects in the reproductive system of boys and can cause lower sperm mobility in adult males.
· TEA; Triethanolamine. Can cause allergic reactions.
· TCC- triclocarban; TCC 3 or 4, trichlorocarbanilide’s: cause endocrine disruption (increase the levels of hormones to a dangerous level).
· PEG, Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol, Polyethelylene Glycol- Used as an emulsifier and keeps products moist. Petroleum derivative used in anti-freeze and hydraulic brake fluid. Alters cell membranes and can cause cardiac arrest. Shown to cause dermatitis, kidney or liver abnormalities and skin irritation.
· PVP; Polyvinyl pyrrolodene, Copolymer- Petroleum derived. Suspected human carcinogen.
· 1,4 Dioxane- used to make harsh products milder, found in many “organic” brand shampoos, body lotions and washes. Chemical known to cause cancer, suspected of being a kidney, neuro and respiratory toxicant. It is a leading groundwater contaminant.
· Stearic Acid- used for firmness. Can cause allergic reactions.
· PABA; Parabens (propyl, ethyl, butyl), Para Amino Benzoic Acid- synthetic preservative in almost 13,200 cosmetic products including moisturizers. Are toxic, cause allergies and interfere with the body’s endocrine system. Have been shown to mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen which can increase the chance for development of human breast tumors.
· MIT- Methylisothiazolinone: prevents the development of bacteria in shampoo, can debilitate the nervous system.
· Mineral Oil, petrolatum, paraffin wax/oil, liquidum paraffinum- used as a thickener. Derived from crude petrol or oil. It acts as plastic wrap on the skin preventing it from absorbing natural moisture and eliminating toxins. Causes premature aging and slows cellular development. Some forms of mineral oil have been linked to cancer and edema. Are a suspected cause of cancer and hormonal disruption.
· Phenol Carbolic Acid- Found in many lotions and skim creams. Can cause paralysis, convulsions, coma and circulatory collapse. Can cause death from respiratory failure. · Acetone- Causes adverse effects on the respiratory and nervous systems.
· Acrylamide- found in many hand and face creams. Linked to mammary tumors in lab research.
· Isopropyl Alcohol- avoid synthetic alcohol from propylene
· Synthetic Fragrances and Musks- Used for scent. Can have over 200 ingredients and can cause asthma, headaches, dizziness, rashes and skin irritations. Cause cancer in laboratory studies as well as hormone disruptions.
· Synthetic Colors- labeled as fd and c or d and followed by a color number. These are believed to be cancer causing agents.
· Aluminum- Used as a color additive in cosmetics and as a preservative. Can inhibit metabolic process and is harmful to the skeletal and nervous systems. Aluminum is absorbed through the skin, lungs and intestinal tract, affecting the bones (causing osteoporosis), kidneys, stomach and brain. May contribute to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia and other neurological disorders. It is carcinogenic, toxic and mutagenic. Possible link to breast cancer through deodorants and antiperspirants.
· Lead- Targets the nervous system, kidneys, bones, heart and blood. Can affect fetal development, delay growth and developmental problems. · Quaternary ammonium compounds- Ingestion can be fatal.
· Formaldehyde- used as a preservative and disinfectant. Can cause eye, nose and throat irritations including coughing, asthma attacks, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, s

· Toulene, benzoic, benzyl- Harmful or fatal if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin and is made from petroleum or coal tar. Chronic exposure is linked to anemia, liver or kidney damage, lowers blood cell counts and can affect fetal development.
· Butylated hydroxianisole (BHA)/Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Contains Toulene. BHT is a suspected human carcinogen and is made from coal tar. Can cause metabolic stress, depression of growth rate, weight loss, damage to liver and/or kidneys, baldness and fetal abnormalities, anemia and lower blood cell counts. BHA & BHT cause allergic contact dermatitis. Both substances slowly corrode metal and up to 13% of BHT is absorbed through the skin.
· Talc- absorbs moisture. Linked to lung and ovarian cancers. Can cause pneumonia, inflammation of the airways and even death.
· Deet- insect repellant. Can impair functioning parts of the brain affecting memory and cognition, muscle coordination, muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain, weakness, fatigue, tremors and shortness of breath.
· Alpha Hydroxy acids (glycolic and lactic acids)- used to exfoliate and remove dead surface cells on the skin. Makes users more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and this prolonged exposure can cause skin cancer.
· Lanolin- moisturizers. Tends to be contaminated with pesticides to control parasites and disease. Diazanon, a neurotoxic organophosphate pesticide, was found in 21 of 25 samples (
You can often find the aforementioned ingredients in these common personal products you may use on a daily basis:
· Shampoo and Conditioner: Contain SLS,SLES, Cocamiopropyl, Betaine, glycerin, quaternium, Coal Tar, DEA, TEA, Alcohol, Propylene glycol, Formaldehyde, MIT, Parabens, Tallow and Isopropanol.
· Hair Sprays and Styling Gels: Contain DEA, BHA, TEA, Alcohols, Methylene Chloride, Toluene and fluorocarbons. Aerosols can penetrate into the lungs and bloodstream.
· Hair Dyes: Contain Phenylenediamine (can cause blindness on eye contact), Coal tars, and Hydroxyanisole (which affects the female reproductive system).
· Toothpaste: Contain Fluoride, SLS, Saccharin, Propylene Glycol, Artificial flavors and colors.
· Mouthwash: Contain more than 25% Alcohol which links it to mouth tongue and throat cancer, SLS, artificial flavors and colors. The lining of the mouth is one of the quickest ways into the bloodstream which is why I mention this.
· Antiperspirants: Contain Aluminum (links to Alzheimer’s Disease and cancer), Talc, Propylene Glycol, Alcohol, Parabens and Triclosan.
· Baby Products/Wipes/Lotions: Contain Alcohol, BHA, Propylene Glycol, Talc, SLS and SLES. · Bubblebath/Bodywash: Contain SLS, SLES, DEA, TEA, MEA, Quatenium, PEG, Alcohol and fragrances.
· Soap: Contains Tallow and lye.
· Shaving Cream: Contains SLS, Propylene Glycol, DEA, TEA, MEA and PEG.
· Sunscreen: Contains PABA, Benzophenones, 1,4 Dioxane and Dibenzoylmethanes which are possibly cancer causing when heated.
· Nail Treatments: Contain Acetone, Acetonitrile (which forms Cyanide when swallowed), Formaldehyde, Toluene and Isopropanol.
· Skin Care/Cosmetics/Make-up: Contains Propylene Glycol, DEA, TEA, Bronopol or BNPD, BHA, Coal Tar, Formaldehyde, Glycerine, Alpha Hydroxy acids, Lanolin, Mineral Oil, SLS, SLES, Petrlatum, PEG, Benotonite, Kaolin Lead (lipstick) and Talc (which blocks the pores of the skin, is associated with an increase of Ovarian Cancer and can be fatal when inhaled).
In a Los Angeles Times article dated February 4, 2008 it was found in a study conducted in Los Angeles and two other cities that “Infants and toddlers exposed to baby lotions, shampoos and powders carry a high concentration of hormone-altering chemicals in their bodies that might have reproductive effects.” This same study states that phthalates have been prohibited in being used in future products such as baby bottles, toys and feeding products, “But no federal or state law in the United States prohibits their use in personal care products or cosmetics.” California and some other countries have limited the use of phthalates. Phthalates are currently used in cosmetics, vinyl flooring, medical supplies and toys to both stabilize fragrances and make plastic flexible. The highest level pf phthalates found in this study were in shampoos, lotions and powders.
What I have found in my research regarding this topic is that manufacturers do not have to list phthalates (a common ingredient of fragrances) on their bottles or they can use a common name (lanolin, for example) as a product description disguising the real toxin in the product. Most of us do not think of “lanolin” as being toxic. These manufacturers are not required by any government institution or Federal Agency to list these toxic ingredients on their product bottles alerting us all of their dangers. I have also learned that some products said to be organic and all natural are not. The federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention says the health effects in humans are uncertain ( The European Union and many other countries have banned phthalates from personal products saying the chemical interferes with hormones.
A new study by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) found that some of the leading “organic” products actually contain the chemical 1, 4 Dioxane. This chemical can be listed any number of ways on the product bottle- ethoxylation, any thing with myreth, oleth, laureth, ceteareth or any other “eth,” PEG, polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene or oxynol. Do you see how challenging it can be to find an all-natural product to use! Here I am trying to do my best using organic products, I am spending the extra money and still being deceived! Some of these products can be labeled as organic as long as they have even a few organic ingredients in them, even if they contain these toxic substances.
Talcum powder is under scrutiny recently because of its association with baby products. For years, mom’s were told to use baby powder the prevent chafing, rashes and prevent moisture in a baby’s diaper area. Bath powders, perfumed body and baby powders, some soaps, deodorants and even chalk have talc added to them. As we have discussed, talc is similar in structure to asbestos, a proven cancer-causing agent. It is made of combinations of zinc stearate, magnesium silicates and other silicates that are finely ground so they are easily carried into the smallest areas of the lungs. For me, it was shocking to find that women who use talc in their vaginal area have a greater risk of developing ovarian cancer and have a poorer diagnosis in an advanced stage as women who did not apply talc. Talc has also been associated with lung cancer when it is inhaled regularly. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that “women who used talcum powder in the genital area had an increased ovarian cancer risk of 60%; women who used feminine deodorant sprays had a 90% increased risk.” Talc can also be found in panty liners and feminine napkins.
There are new studies being conducted analyzing whether or not aluminum in antiperspirants can be absorbed into the skin and possibly cause breast cancer. Aluminum is not usually found in the body but a recent study of breast cancer patients found it present in the tissue taken from their mastectomies. Aluminum can mimic the hormone estrogen which can increase the chance of breast cancer.
Please use the flowing websites to look up the personal products and cosmetics you use to see how toxic they may be to your body. – the Environmental Working Group including their Skin Deep cosmetics safety data base. – Campaign For Safe Cosmetics.
- Gina
r paid attention to the fact that body powders and lotions may have ...
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